Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ok, I really really suck at consistancy I guess. Well, I have decided that I am going to just post two songs every time I log in. (This will take awhile. Just warnin' ya)

Ok, next topic.... A song that reminds you of a certain event

The year before my freshman year in high school, I went on a trip with a program called People to People. I joined a group of people from Utah and California on an epic adventure to France, Italy, and Greece. Our "tour guide" (she had a cooler official title than that, but I can't remember) had one CD that she played over and over again in the bus, and the one song that I remember that was on it was "Ain't No Mountain High Enough". Now every time I hear it, I'm instantly swept back to that trip.

The other topic for today is a song that you know all the words to.

Ok, I don't know why this is, but I have THE HARDEST time memorizing words to a song. It's very annoying. The only song that I can think of right now that I proudly know all the words to is "Fix You" by Coldplay. I could probably think of a better one if it wasn't 12:30 at night ha. Anyways, here it is.